the 2015 reading challenge (MMD).

As I sit here packing for a cross country trip in the morning with little Frodo, I can’t help but realize that I’m most excited to decide which books I’ll read in flight.

Giddy giddy giddy giddy.

Book nerd, I know.

Subsequently, I’ve also decided that it’s best to prolong packing as long as humanly possible by finishing a blog I started a few weeks ago on my 2015 reading goals.  This follows the directive from one of the best book-bloggers out there, Modern Mrs. Darcy, who published a 2015 reading challenge.  Friends, her twelve reading ideas are simple and glorious.

So, what’dya say we hunker down and get our read on?


A book you’ve been meaning to read: God’s Forever Family (Larry Eskridge) – my grandfather helped found Jews for Jesus, and was key in San Francisco’s Jesus People Movement in the 70’s …and this is the story.

A book published this year: Lessons in Belonging (Erin Lane) – Erin and I were roommates at a writing festival earlier this year, and I can’t wait to cheer on her book which comes out next month.

A book in a genre you don’t typically read: {poetry} Sailing Alone Around the Room (Billy Collins) – you may recall a post from about a year ago, “You know, those kind of people,” in which I esteemed our friends who also happened to introduce us to this poet.

A book from your childhood: Jacob I Have Loved (Katharine Paterson) – this was one of my favorite books in middle school, and I’d love to pick it up again!

A book your mom loves: The Black Rose (Thomas B. Costain) – I even own a copy.  There is no excuse.  Sorry Mom.

A book that was originally written in a different language: The Shadow of the Wind (Carlos Ruiz Zafon) – this too has been sitting on my shelf for far too long. Do I fear committing to potentially life-changing books?

A book “everyone” has read but you: The Silver Star (Jeannette Walls) – well, I don’t know if everyone has read this, but everyone except me who loves Jeannette Walls has read this novel.

A book you chose because of the cover: The Corrections (Jonathan Franza) – you eat, I eat, we all eat the 50’s family feast!


A book by a favorite author: Small Victories (Anne Lamott) – and I have not started reading Saint Anne’s book because?

A book recommended by someone with great taste: The White Tiger (Aravind Adiga) – plus I have a thing for Indian literature.  Done.

A book you should have read in high school: A Tale of Two Cities (Dickins) – do I even admit what I’m about to profess?  I do.  I EVEN TAUGHT THIS BOOK …without ever having read it.  Shame on me, shame on me.  (And yes, it is possible to fill up a week’s worth of summer reading conversations with So what did YOU think about the book, Joe Student?  Tell me more!)

A book that’s currently on the bestseller list: Yes Please (Amy Poehler).  Okay, I’m totally cheating since I already read this earlier this month, but since Modern Mrs. Darcy’s instructions were to read one of these books a month, I win!

And the best part?  I have all but ONE of these sitting on my shelves, waiting to be read.  Winner, winner chicken dinner.

Happy reading!

So, what about you?  Want to join me in reading any of the above books?  What books would fill YOUR twelve categories?

*FYI, Amazon Affiliate links in the above post!

#booknerd (once upon an excel doc).

A couple months ago, I decided to break the Insta-ice and reveal my inner nerd to a small population of the world.  And this is what they saw:


It’s an excel doc simply titled “2014 Books” because after tallying last year’s book reading results, I found myself wanting to know more. To which the general population responded with some of the following comments:

How do I love this?  Let me count thy ways.  #booknerd

This is great!!  Can u email me this list?  

I love you.  [At least three times …which I take to mean, Cara, even though I am officially so much cooler than you, I embrace your inner nerd, wholeheartedly.]

Spreadsheet for books read?  Wow.  [Cough, cough, sarcasm.]

I don’t even know what to say about this… My OCD loves it & my lack of sleep makes me jealous?

Because, you see, I wanted to have the following categories (and to-be answered questions) at my fingertips:

*Date read: How many books did I read in a given month?  Why are there more books read in a particular month than in others?  Is there a trend year-to-year seasonally?

*Title of book 

*Author: What author(s) were “trending” for me this year?

*M/F: How many books by male authors, and how many books by female authors did I read this past year?  When I’m more cognizant of book choice, do I tend to choose female authors?

[Last year I noticed I read a TON of male authors, but I also didn’t think through my choices as much: I just read whatever came my way.  But given the choice of book (and given the books suggested to me), do I naturally gravitate towards my own sex?  Does this matter?  I think of some of my Christian male friends in particular who – sadly and wrongly – only read books by male authors.  Do their reading-actions matter?]

# of pages: Really, how many pages did I actually read in a year?

Genre: Although I feel like I mix up the type of reading I do, do I still gravitate towards one kind of reading more than another?  And, for instance, as a someday-to-be-published-memoirist, am I reading my fair share of memoirs?

Mode of reading: Was this book read in paperback or hardback form, on Kindle or via Audible?  What types of books do I tend to read in any one category?

Rating: How many books do I rate 4’s or 5’s?  When I look back at the end of the year, will I decrease some of my ratings?  And since I’m reading books that have been more highly recommended than others, will I tend to have higher ratings?  Will I even have a worst book read category like last year?  Dun dun dun.

Year written: How many classics did I read this year?  Do I tend to only read books published in the past couple of years?


Even though all of this information can be found with a couple of clicks (check out Goodreads, if you haven’t already), for end-of-year purposes, I wanted to have it within reach.  And, my book nerd friends, here’s some of what I’ve discovered already:

*Of the 64 books read so far this year, only nineteen have been written by male authors.

*I’ve read fifteen memoirs (including foodie-memoirs and spiritual memoirs), which to me means I’m learning more and more about the craft!

*This past month has yielded the most amount of books read in a month – of which I have one word for you: VACATION.  (Another word: Grandparents.  Another word: Pregnancy).

*And, I’d venture a guess that I tend to read most of the fiction books read via Audible, rather than in held in my hands …but am I missing something by reading in that way?

On that note, we’ll put a close to this conversation, but I’m eager for your input!  First of all, what’s your secret inner-nerd?  Let him or her out of the bag!  Second, what questions or categories would you add to this word-nerd list?  Join the geeky conversation!

10 gifts for the book nerd.

Hi, my name is Cara …and I’m a book nerd.

There, I said it.  Now, while I don’t mind receiving a bit of frosting for my fingers from the HBH, or tickets to cheer on Cousin James in Book of Mormon (making my inner ENFP squeal excitedly), I relish those gifts that scream, “BOOK NERD!  BOOK NERD!”  So perhaps you know someone like this – if so, this gift list might help you in choosing the perfect gift for him or her:

1.  A bumper sticker, like this:

I originally found this bumper sticker at Powell's Books.
I originally found this bumper sticker at Powell’s Books.

2.  A cozy blanket – because there’s nothing better than snuggling up in a blanket with a good book under your nose.  

3.  An epic mug, complete with a box of Good Earth Original, Caffeine Free tea.  Because it’s good.  Because you get insightful nuggets with each dunk of your tea bag; you also then have the ability to drink said tea at 9 pm, and go to bed on time.

4.  Remember in the 7th grade, when putting a paperclip grill over your teeth was considered cool because it meant you – almost – had braces?  Well, let the same be true for his eyes: get your book nerd some faux glasses to rock at home.  Of course, for those of us with far from 20-20 vision, this might not be the Best Gift Ever, so let the idea slide.  But bonus, you might look as cool as this cat:

Screen Shot 2013-12-13 at 9.31.00 AM
Micha Boyett, friendlies!

5. A first-edition copy of her favorite book, preferably signed by the author.  If you’re a hunter at heart, finding this gift for your Love could be your ultimate holiday mission.  For instance, Annie Dillard’s, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, is one of my faves,  and while a worn and tattered, taught-thru, read-thru copy antiquated paperback remains my go-to favorite, a first-edition hardback of the book sits prominently on the dining room shelf.  And UGH.  It is beautiful.  

6.  Now here’s one I rocked as a six-year-old, but haven’t committed to as an adult: book plates.  Give your nerd 10 book plates for his 10 favorite books, or customize something dreamy like this:

Etsy: Megan Lacey Design.
Etsy: Megan Lacey Design.

7.  A subscription to Audible.  If you’ve been following be, mama. be for awhile now, you know that I get a lot of reading done via my iPhone; whether at home, in the car, or at the gym, I love “reading” via the voices in my ear.  It’s pretty dreamy.

8.  Five wish list books.  While the slight problem of having way too many books still left to read on my shelf remains, I remain a sucker for more.  There, I said it.  So, take a look at her Goodreads “to read” profile or Amazon Wish List, and surprise her with reading joy!  But be forewarned: do your homework.  Do not just browse the clearance section at Barnes & Nobles in an effort to save a few bucks, and also think about giving a gift receipt in case 12 other people think she’d just love that same book.

9.  A one-day, there and back flight to Portland, Oregon to spend the day at Powell’s Books.  Bam.  It’s kind of the best place on earth.  Do it and you will have his love for the rest of your live-long days.  Amen.

10.  And finally (and this originally from the IB Times gift list), an old-book scented candle.  Yes!


That is it!  Eat, read and be merry!

xo, c.

What about you?  What would you add or take away from this list?  And, more importantly, would you like to contribute to the send Cara to Powell’s there and back in one day fund?