the 2015 reading challenge (MMD).

As I sit here packing for a cross country trip in the morning with little Frodo, I can’t help but realize that I’m most excited to decide which books I’ll read in flight.

Giddy giddy giddy giddy.

Book nerd, I know.

Subsequently, I’ve also decided that it’s best to prolong packing as long as humanly possible by finishing a blog I started a few weeks ago on my 2015 reading goals.  This follows the directive from one of the best book-bloggers out there, Modern Mrs. Darcy, who published a 2015 reading challenge.  Friends, her twelve reading ideas are simple and glorious.

So, what’dya say we hunker down and get our read on?


A book you’ve been meaning to read: God’s Forever Family (Larry Eskridge) – my grandfather helped found Jews for Jesus, and was key in San Francisco’s Jesus People Movement in the 70’s …and this is the story.

A book published this year: Lessons in Belonging (Erin Lane) – Erin and I were roommates at a writing festival earlier this year, and I can’t wait to cheer on her book which comes out next month.

A book in a genre you don’t typically read: {poetry} Sailing Alone Around the Room (Billy Collins) – you may recall a post from about a year ago, “You know, those kind of people,” in which I esteemed our friends who also happened to introduce us to this poet.

A book from your childhood: Jacob I Have Loved (Katharine Paterson) – this was one of my favorite books in middle school, and I’d love to pick it up again!

A book your mom loves: The Black Rose (Thomas B. Costain) – I even own a copy.  There is no excuse.  Sorry Mom.

A book that was originally written in a different language: The Shadow of the Wind (Carlos Ruiz Zafon) – this too has been sitting on my shelf for far too long. Do I fear committing to potentially life-changing books?

A book “everyone” has read but you: The Silver Star (Jeannette Walls) – well, I don’t know if everyone has read this, but everyone except me who loves Jeannette Walls has read this novel.

A book you chose because of the cover: The Corrections (Jonathan Franza) – you eat, I eat, we all eat the 50’s family feast!


A book by a favorite author: Small Victories (Anne Lamott) – and I have not started reading Saint Anne’s book because?

A book recommended by someone with great taste: The White Tiger (Aravind Adiga) – plus I have a thing for Indian literature.  Done.

A book you should have read in high school: A Tale of Two Cities (Dickins) – do I even admit what I’m about to profess?  I do.  I EVEN TAUGHT THIS BOOK …without ever having read it.  Shame on me, shame on me.  (And yes, it is possible to fill up a week’s worth of summer reading conversations with So what did YOU think about the book, Joe Student?  Tell me more!)

A book that’s currently on the bestseller list: Yes Please (Amy Poehler).  Okay, I’m totally cheating since I already read this earlier this month, but since Modern Mrs. Darcy’s instructions were to read one of these books a month, I win!

And the best part?  I have all but ONE of these sitting on my shelves, waiting to be read.  Winner, winner chicken dinner.

Happy reading!

So, what about you?  Want to join me in reading any of the above books?  What books would fill YOUR twelve categories?

*FYI, Amazon Affiliate links in the above post!

10 thoughts on “the 2015 reading challenge (MMD).

    1. …when I actually read it. Yeah, me too. PS: Read God’s Forever Family with me, Tim! I think you’d like it!

      Cara Meredith

      writer, speaker, musician.

      1. Great idea! I’ll make it my February read, so send me your address eventually!

        Cara Meredith

        writer, speaker, musician.

  1. 1. Finished “Gone Girl” on Audible last weekend at Girls’ weekend… pretty sure I was the ONLY person left to read it… the movie is on the agenda for this afternoon as I stay in bed and fight illness.
    2. 30 minutes left of “Yes, Please” by Poehler.

    Wahoo! Two done before the end of January – maybe this is a challenge I could actually make happen! However, being in school, I have a funny feeling that starting tomorrow, with the next round of classes, my reading is going to turn all-thing-professional VERY soon. 🙂

    1. I can’t wait to hear what you think about the movie – I thought it was hilarious, almost a parody of sorts, but I have friends who walked out of the theater. I LOVED “reading” Bossy Pants on Audible, and wish I would have done the same with Yes Please. Poehler’s voice is strong, but it would have been hilarious to hear her read it aloud, as it was meant to be read. And I must say, one of the best things about being done with school is that I don’t have to read SCHOOL work anymore. Good luck! 😉

      Cara Meredith

      writer, speaker, musician.

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